Strategic Vistas
“extensive experience working with and within regional communities”

“deep knowledge of government, program design and delivery imperatives”


Bill Tatnell has established Strategic Vistas as an independent contracting service with capabilities that will enable clients to unlock the potential within regional communities. 

Strategic Vistas specialises in developing strategic options for clients by identifying common purpose through community-industry based approaches, and connecting government to solutions with potential.


Bill has a detailed working knowledge of regional communities and governance in coastal and inland New South Wales.  Bill has lived and worked in six regional communities as a senior officer and senior regional executive in state government, with post-grad qualifications in Public Administration.  Leadership roles include:

  • regional development, jobs growth and planning
  • community based, whole of government and industry leader approach
  • multi-stakeholder engagement, scenario planning and negotiation
  • designing and implementing regional initiatives and programs
  • improving agency service delivery and agency profiles
  • land administration and complex issue research
  • resource use conflict resolution, mining, land and water strategies and reform
  • industry strategies, major event strategies, and emergency management

Endorsements are available for specific roles on request:

  • State agency executives
  • Industry leaders
  • Public authority board members
  • Local government executives

Contacting Strategic Vistas:

Your enquiries are welcome.